The Austrian Cultural Forum London in cooperation with the Austrian Film Institute, the Austrian Film Commission and Raindance presents the first edition of watchAUT, a new film festival featuring the best new and recent films to emerge from Austria. Running 13th –...
Words by Carol Hughes Das Wende-Bilderbuch Authors: Harriet Grundmann, Susanne Vogt Illustrated by Lars Baus Publisher: Coppenrath, 2009 ISBN: 978-3-8157-9723-5 As we approached the 30th anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall it reminded me that ten years ago when...
Words by Carol Hughes Fritzi war dabei Author: Hann Schott Illustrator: Gerda Raidt Klett, 2009 ISBN: 978-3-941411-15-9 Fritzi war dabei tells the story of the Leipzig demonstrations and the opening of the border from the point of view of Fritzi. The story begins on...
Words by Carol Hughes Grenzgebiete. Eine Kindheit zwischen Ost und West Author: Claire Lenkova Gerstenberg, 2009 ISBN: 978-3-8369-5247-7 In German this book is known as a “Sachcomic” presenting the factual reality of life in the DDR in a comic book format with the...
Browse and book tickets for our primary and secondary school events at venues around the UK BFI are currently developing partnerships with cinemas and cultural venues around the UK to bring events from the Film & Media Studies and MFL schools programme to venues...