We love our language and enjoy the company of children and young people: What can go wrong?
This session will try and capture what it is that makes language teaching and learning different, enjoyable, and fun:
• Capturing children’s curiosity and enthusiasm from the very start
• Maintaining motivation, even when the going gets tough
• Making lessons memorable
• Have a laugh!
Eva Lamb, Chair of ALL Yorkshire, has been teaching German in the UK for more than 30 years, most of these at King Edward VII School.
Karen Williams teaches French and Spanish at King Edward VII School. She is currently also a Hub Leader for the National Modern Languages SCITT and a member of the ALL Yorkshire Committee.
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This year’s ALL Yorkshire’s Winter Series will again take a blended approach. Some of the sessions will take place at King Edward VII School, whereas some will be offered on zoom.
The face-to-face sessions will allow us to engage with inspirational speakers and each other, discussing strategies and resources for language teaching, sharing best practice, exploring old and new ideas, as well allowing room for informal chats and exchanges.
Offering sessions on Zoom allows us to invite speakers from further afield for whom it would be impractical to travel to us and at the same time offering part of our programme to teachers from all over the country, not just those who live in and around Sheffield.
All sessions will start at 17:30, and for those which take place at King Edward VII School there is also an opportunity for colleagues to meet up beforehand for an informal chat over a cup of tea or coffee.
Please click here to view full details of the ALL Yorkshire’s Blended Winter Series.
Please click here to book you desired sessions. Once you have completed this booking form please send to Eva Lamb, King Edward VII School, Glossop Road, Sheffield, S10 2PW or email: [email protected].