Practise and celebrate a language you are learning, or use in your community, and take part in a virtual festival of speaking!
How do you join in?
Prepare a short poem, presentation, sketch or dialogue in the target language. This can be a solo or joint performance but should be no longer than 90 seconds in total.
Record yourself delivering the performance. Participants under the age of 16 should use PowerPoint slides, Bitmoji, images or video, rather than showing their faces.
Upload your performance to Twitter or Facebook with the hashtags #CelebrateSpeaking and the language chosen (e.g. #Polish).
Remember to use the hashtag or we won’t be able to find your performance!
Get inspiration from some entries from last year by watching the video of the celebration event celebrating last years’ entries or click on the hashtag link above to see entries on Twitter from last year.
Link for Celebrate speaking.