ALL Decolonising the Primary MFL Curriculum
25th April at 5.30 to 6.30 p.m on Zoom
We invite teachers of all languages. As always, we value your experiences and would love you to share those through dialogues.
Our focus will be on the German language, with the principle that the template for decolonising the language curriculum in Primary schools is the same, whatever the language.
We have a brilliant speaker to further our understanding and knowledge. Rodeane Henry-Grant speaks German, French and Flemish. She is a teacher who has had plenty of experiences in decolonising the curriculum working in Bristol and Bath, and then working in Bavaria, Germany. Rodeane is completing her PhD at the Institute of Languages and Cultures School of Advanced Studies, University of London.
Rodeane will share her resources and talk to us about her journey. Resources will be uploaded after the meeting on the ALL website
Please join us to further our conversation, and to improve teaching and learning of languages for all pupils. To attend please register here: