Join ALL as a Trainee Teacher/ECT Member
ALL offers special membership rates for Trainee Teachers and Early Career Teachers of languages in the primary or secondary sector.
For just £27.50 a year Trainee Teacher, Student, ECT (NQT and RQT) memberships enable you to receive all the member benefits offered by the Association. What's more, members can take advantage of this low rate for two consecutive years.
FREE publication NQTs at the heart of ALL for all ECT members.
ALL Social Zoom
The Social Zoom event for ECTs and trainee teachers of Languages in 2023-24 was a great success, due to contributions from members of this great community!
The year began, as usual, with a large online event called 'Making a great start' where we launched the idea of seeking inputs from ECTs and trainees, alongside two Challenges for the year.
The first had a focus on maximising the amount of target language on lessons to give learners opportunities to hear and to use the spoken language as much as is sensible and practicable. At the end of the year those who had taken up this challenge were asked to discuss their experiences with tutors or mentors who then recommended them to receive an ALL certificate of congratulations.
Those who contributed inputs over the year also received a certificate. One of ALL's aspirations is to give members the opportunities to try speaking professionally to audiences in this way, and it was great to observe the quality of these inputs and the commitment of the teachers involved.
An article about the impact of these Social Zoom events appears in Languages Today 48.
The other ALL Challenge was to collect over year diary-type entries to show how a teacher's thinking about principles and practice evolves over time. A prize-winning contribution is included below.
ALL Social Zoom Challenges 2023-24
For everyone who has attended the ALL Social Zoom events this academic year we post here details of how to go about
i) Gaining an ALL certificate for your work in the Target Language challenge
ii) Submitting your Reflective writing 'Reflections on principles' to the ALL prize competition
Both challenges have a deadline of the end of June 2024.
Welcome Event 2020
‘Thank you all, you are so kind’
- ALL’s national welcome to Language teacher trainees
on 30th. September 2020
The quote above is a line from the Chat at this Zoom event where over 200 trainees and others, from all over the UK, and abroad, came together for an informal drop-in, and heard from others about :
The family of ALL Members and how we share
Thoughts from recent trainees
Keeping a treasure chest
The joys of teaching languages
Support for trainees from other Language teachers
First thoughts on job applications
And joined in a Jargon Quiz in the Breakout rooms
A short version of the Chat and Quiz contents are in a separate document
A couple more quotations :
So encouraging to see other people forming part of the language teaching army because it can sometimes feel like a one-woman fight!
Feeling so inspired after this webinar. Thank you. I will definitely look to becoming a member. You are a fab bunch!
First Friday October 2020
ALL First Friday, October 2020
Chris Jadav
As we rapidly approach the start of a new month and indeed a new half-term, I'm crossing off my list of jobs not yet done and remembered an enthusiastic offer to write up the October First Friday meeting. Why did I do that I ask myself (?) and then remember the enthusiasm I felt seeing the gallery of attendees, including some experienced sages of the MFL world, alongside the weary but keen expressions of those of us much newer to the profession. It was an hour well spent.
It underlined to me, as an RQT, how much I've learnt in the past couple of years, much of it from ALL members, and indeed how far there is to travel, but that we don't need to do that alone even if our own departments may seem small and distant. The generosity of the teaching community and especially the MFL community has been well documented but is no less significant for that. Again, at the end of a long week, colleagues were willing to share the wisdom and encouragement of years as well as to share successes, questions and concerns from their classrooms that week. It was good to be part of a group coming together to ask questions, share experiences and try to work out how to get better together for the sake of our students. It was also good fun.
There were many practical ideas shared of ways to encourage and inspire learners but the take home message for me from the session was remembering to create a Leonardo da Vinci moment. I found this especially pertinent in light of how time pressed we are at present, trying to squeeze our curriculum content into shorter lessons and make up for as much lost learning as possible. It highlighted to me how 'force feeding' as much content as possible into each session might well be driving the joy out of some of my lessons and that I needed to be a bit more imaginative in the weeks ahead. This isn't to suggest that we shouldn't be presenting learners with challenges or being rigorous in our delivery but to recognise as Charlie Berney succinctly put it, that even if the content that needs to be taught is sometimes boring in and of itself, the output doesn't have to be .
It meant I went back to Mary Glasgow resources to find suitable film clips to liven up my Día de Hispanidad / Día de las Razas and that the very dull vocabulary section on helping at home was enlivened by creating comic strips and a quick game of charades along the way. When asking the Year 11s to write a piece about their holidays I wasn't afraid to take my imaginary elephant up to the top of the Eiffel Tower and slip and bump back down to the bottom... It's a meagre start but it's something and the challenge will be to keep being creative in the weeks and months ahead. According to Einstein, "Creativity is intelligence having fun" so when I feel the curriculum content pressure squeezing in, I'll endeavour to keep a space for it and see what fruit it yields in the weeks and months ahead. And I'll definitely be making a date in my diary for First Fridays in the months ahead.
Book here :
ALL Social
ALL hosts regular Social meeting for ECTs and trainee teachers of Languages on Zoom.
Please check the Events page for details.
Misbah's diary
Please click here to read Misbah's full story.
ALL - the Association for you!
This presentation from the ALL HMO Team introduces you to the work of the Association in supporting Language teachers at all stages in their career.
Contact ALL through [email protected].
Documents and Research
Creative approaches into teacher training and development
Simon Coffey from King's College London shares this open access article which describes a workshop he did with a PGCE group last year.
Please click here for more information.
OASIS research summaries
The OASIS database ( makes research in language studies more accessible to those who don't have time or money to access research findings behind paywalls.
OASIS holds about 1,500 one-page summaries written in non-technical language - all summaries are freely available, and new summaries arrive every week.
The summaries cover a very wide range of topics including:
multilingualism computer-assisted language learning feedback
CLIL assessment classroom teaching
language policy language learning theories motivation
self-efficacy language learning across the lifespan teacher identity
neurolinguistics heritage, home, and community languages and many more!
OASIS also holds summaries of large systematic reviews of whole areas of research.
***Note*** The monthly newsletter about new summaries has ceased!
So, signing up is the only way you can receive notifications about new summaries. It takes just a minute. You will then receive an email containing links to new summaries. You can:
1) Sign up to all summaries. Every week you will receive an email with url links to all new summaries that week. We recommend this option if you have wide-ranging interests.
2) Subscribe to keywords that match your interests. Every week you will receive an email with links to new summaries that match your selected keywords.
Sign up here:
Not Just Words – Cultural Artefacts for Learning
Camilla Smith writes: The Languages PGCE team at UCL IoE believes that culture and language are inextricably linked, and we work with our diverse ST cohort to develop their own intercultural competence, as well as encouraging them to do so with their own learners.
Read here the story of the visit by student teachers and tutors to the UCL exhibition 'Not just words'.
Guest Blogs
What to view next ...
Starting out
Information to support you as you train to become a language teacher and as you progress into your NQT year
Barry Jones Archive
Explore the Barry Jones Archive, a collection of themed articles written to support teacher trainees and NQTs
Take a look at our collection of peer reviews of commercially available resources.
View Primary teaching resources
Explore our vast range of resources for Primary educators.
Research and Practice
Explore ALL's pages dedicated to research and practice
ALL regularly publishes features on a range of topics of interest to Students and NQTs
View Secondary teaching resources
Explore our vast range of resources for Secondary educators.
Corporate Members
ALL is supported by a number of organisations, who are a useful source of resources, content and support for language teaching and learning.
Take a look at our online shop for more language teaching and learning resources.
Head of Languages Handbook (e-Book)
£14.99 -
Effective mentoring of trainee teachers (e-Book)
£14.99 -
Inspiring Teaching and Learning Series Package – Head of Languages Handbook + Effective Mentoring for Trainee Teachers
£24.99 -
Article:- Using the target language
£1.49 -
‘Time to Talk’ – Languages Today (e-Publication), PLUS additional articles.
£9.50 -
Article:- How to… prepare for the A level speaking exam