Language World 2024
Language World 2024
Chesford Grange Hotel, Kenilworth, Warwickshire
8-9 March 2024
The theme of Language World 2024 was
“Languages - a unique ingredient of learning”
We will consider together many aspects of education today in multilingual Britain. What is unique about our subject? In what ways does the learning of a language support learners today beyond the classroom – from being a child to becoming an adult? What are the ingredients of a healthy learning experience?
- Culture and International Contact
- Curiosity and Observation
- Connection at a personal level
- Communication through all skills and modalities
- A strong outward looking curriculum and external examinations
Following on from our conference last year we will continue to consider how the brain affects learning and how this can inform curriculum planning, the impact on teaching of the new GCSE and the importance of developing the intercultural agility needed to promote and support tolerance and respect for others. We are living through changing, somewhat challenging times and collaborative work is essential. We all benefit from access to research from around the world and collaboration across the key stages to university or training and jobs post 16 enables progress as we learn from each other.