Language Learning Strategies
Language Futures has been designed to foster deep learner engagement and to enable students to take responsibility for their own learning. In order to foster independence, students need to develop strategies and skills to lead their own learning and become resilient linguists. Skills will include planning, analysing and evaluating ways of learning; being able to communicate; how to practise language; strategies to support memorisation; and the ability to apply their prior knowledge.

ALL's Support for Languages
ALL's Language Networks support teachers and students across a range of languages and contain classroom resources, project ideas, student competitions, teacher events as well as guidance for schools. Explore our pages for Arabic, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Mandarin, Russian, Spanish and a variety of World Languages.
Language Learning Strategies offers advice to students on how to develop the necessary skills to lead their own learning and become resilient linguists.
Present Tense , Past Tense and Using Moderating Words help students to understand how to tackle grammar and language points in their chosen language.
The Immersion Chart is a useful tool for students to plan and track progress in their chosen language.
Language Change and Languages around the World helps students to explore the variety of ways that language travels between different cultures.
The LF Launch Lesson offers advice on how to plan for the first Language Futures lessons.
The Language Resources List is a list of resources for a range of languages. Explore Ideas for Language Learning at Home, Engage and Cater for Multilingual Learners and Ways to Make Students' Home Languages an Asset.